Students in Grades 7 and 8 take a full complement of compulsory courses. These grades are a transition period between elementary years and the high school credit system. Here, students develop foundational skills that will prepare them for the high school years and beyond. There are no unassigned time slots in the schedule.
Assessments and Learning
At St. Mary’s Academy, we use a wide variety of methods to assess individual student growth and achievement of outcomes. We are committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of which teacher they may work with in a subject area, have an opportunity to experience common and cumulative assessment pieces at natural points in the course. At the end of the year, all students complete a common and cumulative final exam or project.

Grade 7 Courses
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- French or Advanced French
- Dramatic Arts
- Religion
- Phys Ed/Health
- Human Ecology (Foods and Nutrition & Textiles)
- Coding and Technology Applications
Grade 8 Courses
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- French or Advanced French
- Explore Digital Media
- Religion
- Phys Ed/Health
- Human Ecology (Foods and Nutrition & Textiles)
- Coding and Technology Integration
- Knowing Me, Knowing You