The Durocher Library is a bright, comfortable place for study, research and reading. This space opened in September 2010 with an ever-evolving collection of books, non-print and digital resources to support and enrich the curriculum. It also provides recreational reading for students and staff.
The library is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, when classes are in session.
Library Staff
Our library technicians are Ms. Kelsey Jennings and Mrs. Petra Reynolds. Their goal for the library is to promote reading and research for both knowledge and pleasure. They're here to help students gain information gathering skills for life-long learning.
Contact library staff at or by phone (204) 478-6034.
Blessed Marie Rose Durocher
The Durocher Library is named in honour of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher. Her vision that an entire society can be transformed when the minds and hearts of young women are properly formed, inspires the work at St. Mary's Academy. Read our Legacy page to learn more.
- ACF Video Streaming (On-site Only)
- Britannica Image Quest
- Britannica School
- CanCore
- Comics Plus
- Criterion on Demand
- Curio (On-site Only)
- EBSCOhost
- Gale in Context
- National Film Board (On-site Only)
- New Scientist
- Winnipeg Free Press - Newspapers in Education
Any necessary login information is added to the ‘Necessary Credentials’ document.
Policies and Procedures
Acceptable Behaviour
The Library is available for study and research. Conversation and working together in small groups are allowed, as long as this activity does not infringe on the rights of others. No food or drink is allowed, with the exception of spill-proof water bottles.. Students are expected to follow the St. Mary’s Academy Code of Conduct at all time in the library. Students presenting disruptive behavior (as listed in the Student Handbook/Agenda) will be asked to leave and may lose library borrowing privileges.Technology Acceptable Use
Computers & Internet Use
As long as they are not booked for classes, students can use the computers in the library and adjacent computer lab throughout the day. Students must abide by the Academy’s Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy. All Internet use applies to any network station at St. Mary’s Academy, including the library. It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to be aware of the contents of the Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy.
Loan Periods
Books are lent out for three weeks with the possibility of renewal. Graphic novels and manga have a 1-week loan period (French graphic novels and manga are loaned for 3-weeks). Select reference material are loaned out overnight. Students may renew their borrowed material on or before the due date as long as there are no holds on the title. Students are responsible for any item signed out in their name.
Overdue Materials
Items not returned by the due date will be considered overdue. Overdue notices will be sent to the student’s school email. After 14 days—or 7 days for Graphic Novels & Manga—a second overdue will be printed out and sent to the school office for pick up. Students who do not return materials or make alternate arrangements with library staff after receiving their second notice will be contacted by a principal.