Individual Music Lesson Program
St. Mary’s Academy is pleased to continue our partnership program with the Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts (MCMA) for the 2024-2025 school year. This partnership delivers individual music lessons on campus for SMA students. By hosting MCMA instructors in our school, we are able to offer the highest standard of music lessons combined with convenience for students to attend music lessons in our building.
How does it work?
- Individual lessons are available for voice, violin, contemporary (jazz, pop, improvisation) or classical piano, guitar, and ukulele from beginner to advanced levels. Other instruments may be added if there is interest, email info@mcma.ca with your request.
- Lessons are scheduled in 30-minute intervals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 to 6:15 PM.
- Lessons run from September 10, 2024 until May 29, 2025. No lessons during early dismissal days, Christmas Break or Spring Break or SMA student related events.
- Lessons take place on St. Mary’s Academy campus delivered by the MCMA.
- MCMA supports and encourages performances for students at recitals and in the community through their Music Equals program, the outreach arm of the MCMA. SMA students are invited to participate in their performance opportunities. To learn more, talk to your MCMA teacher or email Student Services Manager at info@mcma.ca.
- MCMA will manage the registration process.
- Registrations may be accepted throughout the academic year according to availability.
Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts will manage the registration process.
Bursary Program
The MCMA Bursary promotes access to music education by providing tuition credits for individual music lessons. These tuition credits will be awarded to deserving students who face social or economic barriers to pursuing music education. See more information on the MCMA Bursary program and download the application.
About the MCMA
The Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts is Manitoba’s premier independent community music education institution. Founded in 1984 by musicians for musicians, the MCMA enhances Manitoba communities by providing accessibility and excellence in Music Education. The MCMA provides instruction at a level of excellence, whether you are just starting or studying music at an advanced level. All instructors have a Bachelor of Music degree (or higher), and many have active professional performing careers in addition to their teaching studios.
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
- Plato