In Grade 9, students begin earning credits toward their Manitoba high school diploma. Each student must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credits by June of their graduating year. At St. Mary's Academy, two of the credits are in Religious Studies (.5 of a credit in each of the four years of high school).
At St. Mary's Academy, we use a wide variety of methods to assess individual student growth and achievement of outcomes. At the end of the year, students complete a Common and Cumulative final exam or project worth 20% - 30% of their final mark.

Grade 9 Courses
English 10F, Mathematics 10F, Religion 11S, Social Studies 10F, Physical Education & Health Education 10F, Science 10F
One of: Advanced French 10F or French 10F
One of: Human Ecology 10G, Theatre Arts 10S or Visual Art 10S
Grade 10 Courses
English 20F
Math: one of, Essential Math 20S or Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S, Religion 21S
Geography 20F, Physical Education & Health Education 20F, Science 20F
Two of: Advanced French 20F, American History 20G, French 20F, Human Ecology 20G, Intro to Interactive Digital Media 20S, Theatre Arts 20S or Visual Art 20S
Grade 11 Courses
English: one of, Comprehensive Focus 30S, Literary Focus 30S or Transactional Focus 30S.
Math: one of, Applied Math 30S, Essential Math 30S or Pre-Calculus Math 30S
Religion 31S, Canadian History 30F, Physical Education & Health Education 30F
Three of: AP Chemistry 32S, Advanced French 30S, Biology 30S, Chemistry 30S, Current Topics in Science 30S, Family Studies 40S, French 30S, Interactive Digital Media Design 30S, Canadian Law 40S, Physics 30S, Theatre Arts 30S or Visual Art 30S
Grade 12 Courses
English: one of, English Comprehensive Focus 40S, Literary Focus 40S or Transactional Focus 40S or AP Literature and Composition
Math: one of, Applied Math 40S, Essential Math 40S or Pre-Calculus Math 40S
Religion 41S, Physical Education & Health Education 40F
Three or Four of, AP Calculus 42S, AP Chemistry 42S, AP French 42S, Biology 40S, Chemistry 40S, French 40S, Interdisciplinary Topics in Science 40S, Canadian Law 40S, Physics 40S, Psychology 40S, Theatre Arts 40S, Visual Art 40S or Global Issues, Citizenship & Sustainability 40S
In addition to our compulsory and elective courses, students may choose to take the following .5 credit courses, Intermediate Debate 21G and Advanced Debate 31G which are offered outside of regular school hours.