The St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae Association is a community of women committed to preserving the heritage of St. Mary's Academy through celebrating and enabling life-long connections among Alumnae.
The Alumnae Association recognizes all graduates and former students of the Academy as members. Alumnae receive mailings, invitations to class reunions and other gathering events, and The Torch Light newsletter.

The St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae Association promotes continued connection to the Academy and the diverse, inter-generational sisterhood of alumnae. This connection underpins the purpose for gathering which in turn ignites the action to serve and sustains the desire to be an SMA ambassador for life.
Inspired by Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, who believed that an entire society can be transformed if the minds and hearts of young women are properly nurtured, our vision is that each alumna:
• Treasures her connection to the school and other alumnae.
• Engages in gathering and networking initiatives to strengthen her connection to SMA and other alumnae
• Supports St. Mary’s Academy and its mission through service for the greater good of the community.
• Continues to ‘Hold High the Torch’ by being an ambassador and striving for excellence in her personal and professional life.
Stay Connected and make sure we have your current contact information to ensure you're receiving the latest news and information for Alumnae.
Alumnae Board
The Alumnae Board meets four times during the school year to plan and organize events for alumnae, and to share ideas about how to keep former students connected with each other and the Academy. Board elections are held each year at the September Annual General Meeting.
Nominations for the Alumnae Board are accepted by email. Please email to Alumnae Board.
Read the St. Mary's Academy Association Constitution and By-Law for more information.
Board of Directors
St. Mary's Academy's Alumnae Association is looking for Board members. Alumnae who are interested in volunteering as a Board Member are asked to contact Mrs. Sandra Martin (Alwis '97) at alumnae@smamb.ca.
The present day Alumnae Association has its roots in the Alumnae Association established April 11, 1909, and a later adjunct, the Academicians, formed at the retirement in June 1915 of Sister Joseph Calasanz as Superior of St. Mary’s Academy. The purpose of the group was to foster the spirit of good fellowship and cooperation, not only among themselves, but chiefly towards that splendid institution of learning proudly owned by them as their Alma Mater.
The Alumnae Association seeks to bring former pupils into closer contact with their alma mater and to co-operate with the Sisters and the staff in their work at St. Mary’s Academy. (By-Law 2001 Art. II). An active Alumnae Board and dedicated members organize events, raise funds for a scholarship, bursaries and special projects and promote the Academy community to the broader community.