We are proud of the success and achievements of our alumnae in all facets of their life. Here are a few of our recently featured alumnae and their stories. Click the buttons on the right to submit your feature today.
We hope you enjoy!

A Q & A with Elisabeth Lang, Class of 1987
Q: What is your current career?
I am the Superintendent of Bankruptcy at the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada
Q: What did you do for post-secondary education?
King’s at Western for my B.A. and Osgoode Hall for my law degree
Describe how you have gotten to where you are today?
I did my best at jobs I loved and wasn’t afraid to try something different when the time was right.
Q: Outside of work, what drives you?
Family and friends
Q: What activities and clubs did you participate in while at SMA?
Primarily cheerleading and track
Q: What were you most likely doing on your spare?
Going to 7-11 or home for a swim with friends
Q: What is your favourite location/area within SMA?
The theatre
Q: Did you have an influential teacher, coach or staff member during your SMA years and how did they make an impact on your life?
Many wonderful teachers had an impact but Sister Carol-Marie is a stand out. I credit her with my deep spirituality!
Q: What does SMA mean to you?
SMA was the most wonderful place to grow, learn and form lifelong friendships!
Q: What is one piece of advice you would share with new alumnae?
Do your best at work you love!
Alanna de Korompay '02
Alanna obtained a BS in Chemistry, a MS in Forensic Science, and a MS in Forensic Toxicology. She was previously employed as a Forensic Toxicologist by the Scottish Police Authority and worked on DUI/DUIDs and criminal toxicology cases for all of Scotland as well as post-mortem cases for the Lothian and Borders Region. She is currently employed as a Criminalist II with the San Diego Sheriff's Crime Laboratory where she has been part of a SART team that has implemented changes in protocol and testing and is responsible for gathering statistics for these types of cases.
She actively participates in NIST’s Organization of Scientific Area Committee, the Society of Forensic Toxicologists, is a member of the Forensic Toxicology Technology Working Group for the National Institute of Justice and invests in local communities through Career Day activities and other outreach opportunities.

A Q & A with Lindsay McLeod, Class of 2000
Q: What did you pursue after SMA?
Physical Education Degree (Kinesiology) and I’m a High School Physical Education Teacher at Dakota Collegiate, Interior Designer/Builder/Renovator for Lindsay McLeod Design affiliated with GBL Construction Ltd
Q: Outside of work, what drives you?
I have a passion for Interior Design and renovating homes, however my favorite interests are my two hilarious, fun loving kids, Parker and Ruby. We love beach life and spending summers at our favorite place, Victoria Beach. Nothing fills our cup more than volunteering and giving back to others.
Q: What does SMA mean to you?
A: I think now that I have graduated, I realize that I now have this sisterhood and community of women that I will forever be connected with. There is a bond with SMA girls regardless if you graduated in different years or if they were not in in your friend group in high school. I feel supported from women of all ages that graduated from SMA and I love to support other women from SMA. When women support women, wow can we accomplish greatness. Although we came from all over the city we created a community and lifetime connections.
Q: What activities and clubs did you participate in while attending SMA?
A: Everything! Athletic Council President, Play Stage Manager, Grad Committee, Yearbook, CLC, and all the sports!
Q: Was there an influential teacher or coach that impacted your life?
Deb May and Demetro Danyluk – These two were my support team as a student athlete, they believed in me, and pushed me to be better every day. I can’t thank them enough for all of their time, effort, guidance, and love.
Q: What are some achievements in your life you are most proud of?
MB Young Phys. Ed. Teacher of the Year Award and
MB JV Basketball Coach of the Year 2020.
Q: What sentiment would you like to offer to new and soon-to-be alumnae?
A: Everyday try to be a better version of yourself, never settle, and don’t be afraid to break the mold. Work hard, be kind and let your energy be infectious.
Iris Yudai '89
Iris has had a long and happy career at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). She fell in love with writing and journalism while running the SMA Spark newspaper. After graduating with a Journalism degree from Carleton University, she landed a summer job as an editorial assistant in CBC's national radio newsroom. That led to jobs reporting in Regina and Winnipeg, and producing in Ottawa and Toronto. For 14 years, she was an executive producer, leading the creation and production of radio and TV programs in all kinds of genres, from music and comedy to current affairs. Some of her career highlights include producing a live show in St. John's, Newfoundland, interviewing tourists on a tundra buggy in Churchill, Manitoba, and travelling to the Philippines with her dad for a documentary about rice.
Today she's a Content Development leader at CBC, supporting people and programs across the country.

A Q&A with Ciara Foley-Henry, Class of 2008
Q: What is your current career?
A: I am an author, professional photographer and a finance civil servant for the federal government. Behind The Smile is my most recent book which was released in February.
Q: How have you gotten to where you are today?
A: I’ve spent a lot of time soul searching and having confidence in myself. Having confidence isn’t easy but when you have that brief moment of an idea of wanting to do something whether it’s pick up a camera or write a book just do it! Don’t let that idea slip away keep pushing yourself even if it takes years and years to accomplish your goal, never give up. Before joining the Finance Department, I worked aan Emergency Dispatcher with the RCMP.
Q: Outside of work, what drives you?
A: I absolutely love writing, it’s a passion and an escape for me. I also love to spend time with my family and I strive to be a better person each day.
Q: What activities and clubs did you participate in while at SMA?
A: I was in Theatre, Youth in Philanthropy and the Newspaper Club.
Q: What were you most likely doing on your spare?
A: Walking to Starbucks or Subway, or if it was too cold hanging out in the caf.
Q: What is your favourite location/ area within SMA?
A: I always loved the Old Aud and the little room off to the side. (Fun fact: This little room has been transformed into a Wellness room for the students)
Q: Did you have an influential teacher from SMA and how did they make an impact on your life?
A: Mrs. Pistawka, I feel like she always had a really fun story to share and I also learned a lot in her classes not just about English, but about life in general.
Q: What does SMA mean to you?
A: SMA means providing an excellent education to future leaders.
Q: What advice would your share with new alumnae?
A: Take a breath and really think about what you want to do. Find what you’re passionate about!

Heather Wallace (Crocker '94)
After graduation, Heather went into Civil Engineering and then into Structural Engineering at the University of Manitoba. She started her career as a Structural Engineer at Crosier Kilgour & Partners. During her career in consulting engineering she branched into building envelope science. After 14 years in consulting she joined Manitoba Hydro as a Project Engineer. For the last five years, she has managed numerous multi-million-dollar construction projects.
Anika Campeau '12
Anika went on to complete her Bachelors of Psychology at the University of Manitoba in 2016 then moved to Toronto that same year. In Toronto, she attended George Brown College where she studied in the Prosthetic & Orthotic Technical program. She graduated from the 2-year technical program and entered directly into the Clinical Methods in Prosthetics & Orthotics program. Anika just recently graduated the Clinical program in May 2020 and is currently in her 2- year orthotic residency at Snider Orthotic Design here in Winnipeg.
She is simultaneously enrolled in the Masters of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University where she’s able to participate through distance learning. Anika is proud to be of Metis heritage and is excited to bring her services as a Certified Orthotist to the health care field here in Manitoba.