Celebrating the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) are a teaching congregation founded in Quebec in 1843 by Eulalie Durocher, Mother Marie-Rose. In 1874, the SNJM came to the new Province of Manitoba to assume responsibility for St. Mary's Academy, a school started in 1869 by the Sisters of Charity of Montreal (Grey Nuns). The Sisters, like the wise man described in the Gospel, built their house upon a rock, and when the rains fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock (Matt. 7: 26-27).
The Sisters’ mission today is as it always was: “To seek the full development of the human person through education, social justice, contemplation and the arts. Especially with people who are impoverished and marginalized.” In August of 2014 the day-to-day operations of the Academy were passed on to a lay administrator; however, the Sisters remain at the helm of the Academy providing direction and service as owners, members of boards and committees, staff, volunteers and class prayer partners. Significantly, the Sisters establish the mission and purpose of the Academy, approve by-laws, elect directors, appoint the president and approve certain financial decisions.
We thank all of you who joined St. Mary's Academy in honouring the faith, vision, courage and leadership of the SNJM at the 150th Birthday Gala.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Avenue
Cocktails at 6:00 p.m. | Dinner & presentation at 7:00 p.m.
Dancing to the Big City All Star Band after dinner
Masters of Ceremonies
Lucy Beckta (Stepien '65) and Emily Meadows '13

SMA 150 Gala Sponsors
Celebrate Level

Tartan Level

SMA 150 Supporters
Air Unlimited Inc.
Meagan Boles (Henke '96)
Kathy Booth-Smith '79
Fr. Denis Bourbonnais
Barry & Lynda Brown (Oland ’69)
Chris and Mary Chapman (Moore '60)
Paige Dimayuga (Tamayo '94)
Kathleen Downs (Mahon '79) and Dr. Craig Downs
Valerie Duma '65
Jean Green (Grabiec ’48)
Heather Hartry (Lyndon ’69)
Noreen Hoskins (O'Leary '89)
Andrea Jackson '09
David Johns
Greg & Danielle Kaiser
Kevin & Els Kavanagh
Carol Kennedy (Johnson '57)
Bridget Kimak '79
Margaret Kingdon (McSheffrey '58)
Mark & Christine Kulas (Van de Mosselaer ’87)
Lindy Ledohowski '94
Virginia Mak '77
Gordon & Laurette Marks
Christine Millenaar (Matjasic '89)
Jaime Patrick (Forbes '94)
Rita Mae Race (Holden '61)
Kathleen Rathert (Mullen '82)
Nancy Schenkeveld '79
Inger Schnerch (Ludkiewicz '67)
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Rob & Joanie Smalley
SWOB Group Benefits Inc.
Robert Vandewater
Connie Van Rosmalen '94
Nina Vrsnik '89
Your Next Event – Mike Mulhall