Staggered starts and dismissals are in effect on September 9 and 10. This allows for a smoother transition to maintain physical distancing and for motorists/car pools to learn SMA’s drop-off and pick-up zones.
Grades 7 and 10
Start at 10:40 AM | Dismissed at 3:30 PM
Grades 8 and 11
Start at 9:30 AM | Dismissed at 3:30 PM
Grades 9 and 12
Start at 8:35 AM | Dismissed at 3:30 PM
- Masks are mandatory and must be worn upon entry into SMA.
- Physical distancing to the greatest extent possible is required.
- For enhanced safety students must enter and exit through grade level allocated doors. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will use the Alumnae Hall doors, students in grade 9 will use the Ramp door (inner courtyard) and students in grades 7 & 8 will use the Academy Road doors.
- Bring a reusable water bottle as water fountains are not available other than for filling bottles. Sharing water bottles is not allowed.
- Academy Bistro food service begins on September 9.
Time & Place
Date and Time
September 10, 2021