In order to adhere to Covid-19 protocols and guidelines for social distancing, the sale will proceed as follows:
- Before attending the sale, we recommend filling out an Order Form using the Sizing Chart. Both forms can be found on the SMA website (scroll to the bottom of the page)
- On the day of the sale please review the screening tool located at If you or your daughter answer “Yes” to any of the screening questions, please do not come to the school.
- We request that students enter with only one parent/guardian. All attendees must wear a mask.
- When you arrive, please come to the Alumnae Hall Entrance. Once inside please check-in with our Greeter and sanitize your hands. If you wish to view the uniform items in-person you will be directed to sample stations in the Atrium. If you do not wish to view the samples, you may proceed directly to the Tartan Shop to complete your purchase.
- Although uniform samples cannot be tried on at this time, a fitter will be at the sample stations to help you with sizing decisions. Once sizing is confirmed, finalize your Order Form. After handling uniform samples, we ask that you again sanitize your hands.
- Take your Order Form and proceed towards the Tartan Shop. A Greeter will notify you when it is your turn to enter the Tartan Shop. Once inside, your order will be filled and payment taken.
- Methods of payment accepted: Cash, Debit, Visa or MasterCard (we are unable to accept cheques).
The Corner Store will also be open Tuesday, April 20 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM to purchase SMA merchandise and gently used uniforms.
Thank you for your support as we safely open for our spring uniform sale. Thank you also to our dedicated Parents’ Guild volunteers for planning the sale.
Time & Place
Date and Time
April 20, 2021
5:00pm to 7:00pm