International Day, 50th Anniversary

Sunday, April 27, 2025

St. Mary's Academy's Parents’ Guild is thrilled to host the 50th Anniversary of International Day.

First held in 1975, International Day was created by the Parents’ Guild (then called the Mothers’ Guild) to bring the SMA community together in celebration of the rich cultural diversity of our families.

Rooted in our Catholic faith-based values, a strong sense of community and belonging is woven into every aspect of school life—and International Day is a joyful expression of this. Fifty years later, International Day remains a meaningful celebration that brings our vibrant community together to share a meal, music, and dance, and to create and nurture lasting connections.

International Day Includes

  • Mass at 11 AM in Alumnae Hall, with Father Sam Argenziano presiding
  • Pavilions serving ethnic food from Noon to 3 PM in the cafeteria including
     - Filipino
     - Indian
     - Indigenous
     - Italian
     - Ghanaian
     - Nigerian
     - Polish
     - Portuguese
     - Tamil
     - Ukrainian
     - Zimbabwean
  • Cultural Entertainment at 1 PM in Alumnae Hall
  • Raffle Draws at 2:45 PM
    • 50/50 Raffle (purchase tickets with cash only)
    • Gift Card Raffle
    • Wine Raffle
    • Folklorama Unlimited Tour Pass
  • 50-Year Walk Down Memory Lane Booth
  • SMA Corner Store Open

All are welcome!

Pre-Purchase Tickets

Avoid the lines, pre-purchase food and
raffle tickets.

Purchase Here







Volunteer Opportunities

Many Volunteers Needed

Many volunteers are needed to fill various roles over the course of the weekend, culminating in International Day at the school on Sunday, April 27. To view available opportunities and sign up, please visit:

Thank you for contributing to the success of the 50th International Day!


International Day Photos