Message from the Interim President

Mrs. Michelle Klus
Interim President

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! I hope everyone feels refreshed after the summer break and is ready to embrace the opportunities and growth this new year brings.

On behalf of the entire SMA community, I extend a heartfelt welcome to the 143 new students and their families joining us. We are excited to have you with us and are committed to ensuring that each of you feels welcomed and supported on your journey. To our returning students and families, welcome back! We are delighted to share in another school year with you. It is a blessing to have all of these students and families contributing their unique gifts to our community.

I am pleased to introduce Ms. Joan Trimble, who has joined us as Vice Principal, overseeing Grades 7 and 8. I also warmly welcome our new faculty members: Nicholas Barker (Religion), Rachel Junghans (Math), Madeline Lovsin (French), Antonio Neves (Math), Rina Sangalang (Physical Education), Kaitlin Schade (Science), and Marie Thobi (French). We are thrilled to have them as part of the SMA team and look forward to the positive impact they will have on our students and school.

Our dedicated maintenance team has been hard at work this summer, ensuring our campus is in pristine condition. Their efforts included new flooring on the first floor, updated lighting in the locker rooms, cafeteria kitchen, foyers, atrium, and theatre, as well as fire alarm system upgrades. Additionally, we replaced the hardwood flooring in Room 203, repaired the fence in the student parking lot, and enhanced the landscaping at the Administration entrance. Thanks to their dedication and hard work, our school is ready to welcome back students and staff.

I am also delighted to share the news of the restoration and installation of our beloved statue of Mary holding baby Jesus. Gracing the exterior of our 1902 building’s fourth floor, Mary, our Patroness and Protectress, has been restored and returned to her rightful place upon refurbished footing. Thanks be to God for the many hands and hearts involved in this project. Please take a moment to view the before-and-after photos at

Our community is incredibly fortunate to have many talented and dedicated parents and caregivers who volunteer their time and energy, enriching both the student experience and our broader community. Every parent and caregiver is a member of the SMA Parents’ Guild and invited to contribute in any capacity, large or small. I encourage you to engage in the events and activities planned for this academic year. Details about volunteer opportunities and upcoming events will be shared in our weekly Communiqué. Your involvement will not only enhance your daughter’s experience but also deepen your connection to our vibrant community.

I look forward to developing and nurturing relationships with all our families. May this year bring deepening faith, enriching learning, lasting friendships, and joyful experiences.

Teneamus altam facem - Hold High the Torch.

God Bless,
Michelle Klus

Message from Senior Leadership Team

Mrs. Carol-Ann Swayzie

Mr. Lorne Hess

Ms. Joan Trimble

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, we extend a warm welcome to the St. Mary’s Academy community. We are honoured to walk with your daughter on this part of her journey as she reaches her full potential in spirit, mind and body.

Our theme this year is "How do I share our story?". Throughout the year we will explore this theme as we are invited to come to know and deepen our relationship with Jesus as we nourish and develop our faith.

Communication with all SMA community members (families, students and staff) is important to us. Everyone will receive weekly updates with school news. These email communiqués are sent out on the last school day of each week. Please keep an eye out for these in your inbox and review them to stay up to date with ongoing news.

Microsoft Office 365 is our primary productivity platform at St. Mary’s Academy. Each SMA student has access to Office 365 for their entire time at SMA. PowerSchool is our student information system, recording attendance, academic progress and demographics. Students and their parents/caregivers can access PowerSchool to remain informed and organized throughout the year.

Students will be receiving their yearly agenda on the first day of classes. We encourage you, as families, to read the contents of the first 32 pages of this agenda which outlines many school protocols, policies, procedures and includes our Foundations of Faith with commonly referenced prayers. Important dates are embedded into the agenda. We trust that the daily use of the agenda will help your daughter to remain organized and seek balance in her busy life.

We truly hope that your daughter enjoys the year ahead. There will be opportunities to become involved in school life, whether through service, clubs, academics, athletics or the arts. We are confident that she will develop her sense of social responsibility and expand her love of learning and curiosity. There is something for everyone at St. Mary’s Academy. How fortunate we all are to be learning, teaching and growing in a faith-based environment for young women.

Our sincere best wishes for an amazing year ahead. May it be filled with special memories.

Theme for the 2024 - 2025 School Year

Every school year we embrace a guiding theme that is rooted in faith and presented in the form of a question. This year our theme is: How do I share our story?

Throughout the school year, our classrooms, clubs, and activities will be platforms for exploration of the theme. Through prayer, events, and personal reflection, we will collectively and individually pursue answers to this universal question, relevant across all faith traditions and generations. Our exploration will not only involve asking the question but also reflecting on our actions and seeking wisdom from those around us. As we strive to deepen in our faith, we may find that the central question leads to even more and deeper inquiry.

The theme is beautifully complemented by a verse from the Gospel of Mark (16:15):

"Go into all the world and proclaim the good news."

This verse embodies our storytelling spirit for the year, reminding us of the importance of sharing the stories of our ancestors, communities, and faith.

Manitoba Government Directive on Cell Phone Use in Classrooms

SMA's administrative team will be sending out an overview of how our school is implementing and enhancing the recent provincial directive regarding cell phone use in schools. Please keep an eye on your inbox next week. We request that families review SMA's new protocol with their daughter(s), and discuss how they can support their daughter as she returns to school with this new protocol in place. 

New Student Orientation Session

Wednesday, September 4

Students from grades 7 to 12 who are new to St. Mary’s Academy will participate in the orientation session. Orientation begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 12:30 PM. Students are asked to enter at the Alumnae Hall entrance, where they will be greeted by students and faculty, provided name tags and directed to their seats in Alumnae Hall. Uniforms are not required. Please do not bring school supplies. 


8:40 AM to 9:00 AM: Arrival and sign-in. Students enter through Alumnae Hall doors.
9:00 AM: Welcome in Alumnae Hall.
9:15 AM: Students meet with their teachers.
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM: Students participate in orientation tours and a Mission and Charism Community session.
12:30 PM: All students dismissed. Students will exit through Alumnae Hall doors. Parents, please ensure you arrange pick-up in accordance with the 12:30 PM dismissal. 

*Note: the Corner Store will be open from noon until 1:30 PM (see ‘Corner Store’ heading below)

First Day of Classes

Thursday, September 5

  • Students will find their homeroom allocation posted in the Sheila Chipman Atrium (posted at 7:30 AM)
  • Opening exercises begin in homerooms at 8:35 AM
  • Day 1 of the school day cycle
  • Parents and Caregivers: please familiarize yourself with the Dropoff/Pick-up Zones and Traffic Flow on our grounds (see heading below).

SMA Handbook

Click here for our handbook with important information about our policies and protocols, academic programming, assessments, evaluations and reporting, and school life. This handbook is also found in the front section of the Student Agenda.

Student Agenda, Lockers and Locks

The student agenda, lockers and locks will be distributed on the first day of classes. The agenda includes the school calendar, general school information, policies and protocols, and student information. All student locks are issued by the school. If returning students have lost their lock and require a new one, the cost for a lock is $9 and can be purchased from Mrs. Ross (located on the 2nd floor close to the school office) at the 10:30 AM break during the first week of classes. Students should not be sharing their locker combination so as to best protect their personal items. In the event of an emergency, the office has a record of all combinations.

School Supply List

Click here for SMA’s School Supply list. The list is also available from the home page of our website (scroll halfway down the page to locate the list)


Teachers assign textbooks to students and each assigned textbook is the responsibility of the student. In June 2025, students are responsible for returning assigned textbooks. In the event a textbook is not returned, a replacement fee is required. If a textbook is returned damaged, the damage will be assessed and a corresponding dollar amount will be charged.

Regulation Uniform Reminder

Perhaps the greatest symbol of our unity at SMA is our uniform and more specifically, our kilt. The plaid of the kilt is unique to SMA and incorporates the colours of all previous uniforms since 1869. It represents the fabric of our community: past, present and generations yet to come.

SMA needs the support of parents and to ensure that students meet all uniform regulations. In particular, we stress that all students' kilts or skirts are to be worn at a maximum of 6 centimeters above the knee. As we strive to instill an awareness of business appropriate attire, we appreciate working together to improve the students' responsibility in meeting and maintaining this requirement.

Should your daughter require a new uniform item, all items can be purchased online from our provider at

Drop-off/Pick-up Zones and Traffic Flow

Ensuring the safety of pedestrians and maintaining a smooth flow of traffic are important at SMA. As our grounds can become quite busy, it's essential to pay close attention to the designated drop-off and pick-up zones to guarantee student safety. We kindly ask you to refer to the second and third images on our campus webpage at, and familiarize yourself with our ‘drop-off and pick-up’ zones. Please remember that our grounds are a no-idle zone (turn your vehicle off when you are waiting). 

Important General Information

Contact SMA

Call SMA’s Reception office at 204-477-0244. A complete list of faculty and staff is found on our website at

Reception and School Office Hours

Reception Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
School Office Hours: 
Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

School Calendar

The school calendar is found on our website at The calendar lists assessments, exams, deadlines, activities, events etc. for students and parents. It also shows the day of the school day cycle. The calendar is downloadable to smart devices.

Campus Map

Browse our online campus map at the following address, Hover over the red areas for an explanation of the location.


PowerSchool is our online student information system for attendance, assignments and marks. On Orientation Day on September 4 all new students will receive a letter with login information (both student and parent login information). A link to PowerSchool is located along the top red bar of our website

Weekly Communiqué

Throughout the school year, SMA emails a Communiqué to parents and students on the last day of each school week. Important timely information is published in the Communiqué. Be sure to check your email and if you do not receive the Communiqué, contact Mrs. Jill Boulet at or call 204-477-0244.


SMA publishes a newsletter for families in the fall, winter and spring. The newsletter highlights learning, faith, service, clubs, athletics, events and more. It is emailed to parents and is also found on our website at

Purchasing SMA’s Uniform

SMA’s student uniform is sold online at Find out more information about online ordering on our website at Our Corner Store sells gently used uniforms. 

Corner Store

The Corner Store sells SMA branded merchandise, gently used uniforms, and treats. Debit and credit are the preferred methods of payment. The Store is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the lunch hour (12:30 PM to 1:30 PM). The Store is also open during the New Student Orientation on September 4 from Noon to 1:30 PM. 

Academy Bistro

Academy Bistro provides SMA’s cafeteria service. Academy Bistro will be open on the first day of classes. Menu and online ordering are available at Students are encouraged to pre-order their lunch online to guarantee items. Hours of operation are 9 AM to 1:30 PM every school day. Please contact Academy Bistro at if you have any questions or would like to purchase a gift card.

SMA on Social Media

Follow SMA on social media for highlights of school life.

Important Upcoming Dates

Celebration of the New School Year

Friday, September 6 at 2:00 PM in Alumnae Hall
Our school community will gather to celebrate the new school year with Mass of the Holy Spirit. Full, regulation uniform is required. 

Picture Day

Tuesday, September 10

Parent Welcome and Information Session

Tuesday, September 10 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Further details will be published in the weekly Communiqué. 

Grade 12 Reflection Day

Tuesday, September 17
Details will be emailed to grade 12 families.

Auditions for Dramatic Arts Play

Grade 7 to 12 students are invited to audition for our school musical, Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical. Auditions will be held after school on September 9-11, 2024. The show runs November 27 to 30. Sign up for audition slots is located in the glass bulletin boards in the Sheila Chipman Atrium. All students interested in being on stage in the show will sign up for a 15 minute audition time. You will be asked to sing a song from any musical (animated films are fine too!) by yourself, and then to do a short improvised skit with the other students auditioning at the same time as you. More details provided in the audition packages, available the first week of school in September. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Davey at Looking forward to seeing many students at the auditions in the fall!


Flames High School Hockey

Grade 9 to 12 students who are interested in trying out for the Flames High School Hockey team are invited to tryouts in September. There will be a meeting for all interested students once school begins, more information will be provided in early September.

On-ice Tryouts take place at the hockey for all centre as follows:

  • Monday, September 9 at 4:20 PM at hockey for all centre (MBT Arena)
  • Wednesday, September 11 at 4:10 PM at hockey for all centre (Flynn Arena)
  • Thursday, September 12 at 4:30 PM at hockey for all centre (Flynn Arena)

Anyone with questions is asked to contact Ms. Nicole McGlenen at

Water Polo

SMA will begin our second year of water polo school league in the fall. School league is an excellent way to learn the sport. Students need to be able to comfortably swim in the deep end of the pool (at least 4 laps) and will need a 1 piece swimsuit. Silicone swim caps are recommended. All students from grade 7 to 12 can play. We will have a grade 7 and 8 team (plays in the co-ed junior division) and one-or-two high school teams (girls only). Practices will start mid to late September (one practice per week), and games will start in October. Please email Mr. Villa with any questions,


SMA will be representing our zone for golf Provincials in the fall. All interested students who are in grades 9 to 12 are encouraged to try out for the team. Tryouts will be one after-school match the week of September 9. Exact date to be determined when school starts in the fall. We will also have a variety of golf events in the spring. Please email Mr. Villa with any questions,


The Physical Education Department is looking for Grade 7 & 9 Volleyball coaches. Interested applicants can contact Ms. Rachel Meiklejohn,

Cross Country

Flames Cross Country is open to all students from grade 7 to 12 regardless of experience or skill level. Please go to the following webpage for information about the team and to access a summer training guide All interested students are welcome to participate. Anyone with questions is asked to contact Mr. Demetro Danyluk at

Bring Your Own Device

Recognizing the importance of digital literacy, SMA implemented a BYOD policy in September 2023 for grades 7 and 8, and this year, the policy will be extended to include grade 9. This policy allows students to use their own laptops or tablets to enhance their learning experience through interactive and collaborative methods. The BYOD policy successfully enabled students to interact with various Learning Management Systems, promoting comfort with technology, increased classroom participation, and student-driven learning through the Microsoft 365 and other online platforms. Building on this success, we look forward to continuing to enhance and expand our BYOD initiative.

In September, teachers will communicate guidelines and policies to grade 7, 8 and 9 students regarding the use of devices in the classroom to ensure they are being used for educational purposes. SMA will provide training to students to ensure that devices are used effectively to enhance the learning experience. SMA’s Information Technology department will be available to provide advice or assistance on any technology issue related to BYOD onboarding, such as Wi-Fi connectivity and Office 365 accounts. However, the IT department will not be responsible for troubleshooting or repairing hardware issues.

Music Lessons


SMA is pleased to be in our third year of offering a partnership program with the Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts (MCMA). This partnership provides an opportunity for SMA students to receive individual music lessons from highly qualified MCMA instructors conveniently on our school campus. 

How does it work?  

    • Individual lessons are available for voice, violin, contemporary (jazz, pop, improvisation) or classical piano, guitar, and ukulele from beginner to advanced levels. Other instruments may be added if there is interest, email with your request.
    • Lessons are scheduled in 30-minute intervals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 to 6:15 PM.
    • Lessons run from September 10, 2024 until May 29, 2025. No lessons during early dismissal days, Christmas Break or Spring Break or SMA student related events.
    • Lessons take place on St. Mary’s Academy campus delivered by the MCMA.
    • MCMA supports and encourages performances for students at recitals and in the community through their Music Equals program, the outreach arm of the MCMA. SMA students are invited to participate in their performance opportunities. To learn more, talk to your MCMA teacher or email Student Services Manager at
    • MCMA will manage the registration process.
    • Registrations may be accepted throughout the academic year according to availability.

Click here to find out more information and to see the registration link.

From the Alumnae Office

Saturday, Sept 21

We are delighted to welcome alumnae and community members to St. Mary’s Academy for Homecoming 2024. We hope you and your families will join us for this special time of reconnecting and reminiscing.

Homecoming begins with our traditional Commemorative Years’ Brunch for alumnae celebrating a special reunion. Brunch is followed by Mass, building tours, and tea for all. 

SMA welcomes and celebrates the following classes for commemorative years’ reunions this year: 2014, 2004, 1999, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1969, and alumnae from the class of 1964 and earlier.

Commemorative Years’ Brunch catered by The Gates on Roblin
Doors open 9:30 am; Brunch 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
SMA Cafeteria
Tickets $50 each, available at

Also welcome for brunch are the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and current and former staff. These groups will receive ticket information directly from the SMA Alumnae Office.

12:00 to 1:00 PM
SMA Alumnae Hall

Touring & Tea
1:00 to 3:00 PM
SMA Shelia Chipman Atrium

For more information, please contact or call the SMA Alumnae Office at 204-560-6924.

Homecoming 2023: Class of 2013 - 10th Reunion

Homecoming 2023: Class of 1988: 35th Reunion


St. Mary’s Academy is accepting nominations for the 2024 and 2025 Marian Awards for Excellence. We invite you to consider recommending a worthy candidate. The deadline to submit is Thursday, October 10, 2024. Please visit the Marian Awards page on our website for more information and to access the online nomination form.

For more information, please contact or call the SMA Alumnae Office at 204-560-6924.