General School Information

School and Office Hours

The school building is open from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
The school office is open daily from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Supervision is provided by teaching staff during regular school hours. Supervision will be in place for students participating in activities such as sporting events, the Arts or extended-day courses which occur before school and after 3:30 PM. Students not involved in supervised activities are required to be in Durocher Library (open until 5:00 PM) or the cafeteria and should be picked up by 5:30 PM.


Visitors to the school must use the administration entrance, facing Wellington Crescent, to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. Students should not invite non-SMA students to meet them at the school. Students from other schools must have prior permission from a principal to be present in St. Mary’s Academy. Students are requested to report, to the staff, anyone who does not appear to have a purpose in the school or on the grounds.

Policies and Protocols

St. Mary’s Academy Code of Conduct

Guiding Principles

The St. Mary’s Academy community is committed to uphold the guiding principles of standards of behaviour in their interactions with one another in person and online. These principles apply to everyone involved in the St. Mary’s Academy school system, including students, families, faculty, staff, volunteers, St. Mary’s Academy Inc. Board members, St. Mary’s Academy Foundation Board members, Parents’ Guild, Alumnae Association and members of the wider St. Mary’s Academy Community. These principles are in effect while on SMA property and at SMA external events. They guide all SMA’s online and digital communication spaces, including social media, blogs, websites and video conferences.

Standard of Behaviour

In recognition of and collaboration with the mission and vision of St. Mary’s Academy, and the call for all members to Hold High the Torch of learning, faith, service and leadership, all St. Mary’s Academy members must:

  • respect and follow all applicable guiding principles
  • demonstrate honesty and integrity
  • respect diversity amongst people
  • respect and treat others fairly, regardless of faith, race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability
  • respect the rights of others
  • show care and respect for school property and the property of others
  • honour the deserving respect and loyalty for the institution and traditions of St. Mary’s Academy
  • take proper steps to be of service to those in need
  • respect all members of the school community
  • respect the need of others to work in an environment that encourages learning and teaching
  • respect privacy and confidentiality
  • respect protocol and the communication process

Attendance Policies and Expectations

SMA has adopted an Attendance Policy that seeks to promote responsible behavior on the part of students by establishing specific expectations and consequences governing student absences and tardiness. SMA recognizes that regular attendance and punctuality are important life-style behaviours and as such these behaviours are expected and fostered within the school setting. All families are encouraged to regularly access the PowerSchool system, which provides an overview of your daughter’s attendance records on a daily basis. Students who have missed classes are responsible for homework
and assignments.

Parents/caregivers are requested to contact the school as early as possible in the morning each day that their daughter is absent. This can be done either by emailing Mrs. Boulet at or calling the school and leaving a message on the attendance voice mail (extension 340). Parents/caregivers will receive an email in the case of an unexcused absence or if a student skips a class.
If parents/caregivers are going to be away, they are requested to give the office the name of a person who can verify absences and will act for them in case of emergency.

Attendance letters are sent to all students who have an unusually high rate of absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused. These letters are designed to prompt greater attention to regular attendance particularly as students approach the final portion of the year and prepare for completing their courses.port, to the staff, anyone who does not appear to have a purpose in the school or on the grounds.

Attendance at Masses, Celebrations and Assemblies

Masses, celebrations and assemblies help build and maintain a strong community spirit at St. Mary’s. Therefore, regular attendance is mandatory and will be recorded.
Parents/caregivers will be notified if their daughter misses one of these events.

Types of Absences and Late Arrivals


  • Excused Absences: An email or a telephone call to the office is required to excuse an absence and must be provided in advance of, or at the time of, the absence.
    An excused absence generally results from illness, a religious holiday, medical appointments, funerals, or special commitments such as music exams, or out-of-town sporting activities. Absence due to school sponsored activities do not require verification of absence from a parent/caregiver.
    If the number of excused absences accumulated by a student in a given subject is excessive or the intent of the policy is being abused, a member of the leadership team will contact parents/caregivers for a meeting.
  • Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is considered an act of truancy.
    All absences not verified by a parent/caregiver will be considered unexcused and a one-hour detention will be issued. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to receive immediate attendance notifications via the PowerSchool portal.

Late Arrivals

A late is defined as coming to class after the scheduled start time. Those who come late for school or for any class during the day must sign in at the main school office.

  • Excused Late: A late is considered excused if the student is unavoidably delayed and this delay is confirmed by an email or a phone call from a parent/caregiver.
    (ex: severe weather conditions or car trouble)
  • Unexcused Late: Where a student comes to school or class late without a supporting email or phone call, the late will be considered unexcused.
    A 30-minute detention will be issued for three unexcused late arrivals.

Attendance detentions are expected to be served within a week of being issued.

Vacation During School Time

We discourage parents/caregivers from taking their daughters on holidays during school time. Class learning time is valuable and academics are a priority. Should families decide to proceed with a holiday during school time despite this advice, parents/caregivers must contact the office at least one week in advance.

If parents/caregivers take their daughter out of school for a vacation, the school cannot take responsibility for their daughter’s academic progress while she is away. Students are responsible for missed tests, quizzes and projects and are required to remain connected via their Microsoft O365 Teams channels. The school does not expect its teachers to reteach the lessons that have been missed. Students who take frequent or extended vacations during school time typically experience greater difficulty with time management, and often experience obstacles in achieving provincial course outcomes; this may be reflected in their grades. Families are encouraged to consider the services
of a tutor when these situations arise.

Protocols for missing three or more consecutive days of school

  • Parents/caregivers notify the school of the absence; 2-3 weeks ahead is ideal
  • The office provides an attendance letter to the student for teachers to sign
  • The student is responsible to have each teacher sign the attendance letter. She will need to make arrangements with each subject teacher before leaving to complete work.
  • The student returns the completed letter to the office before her departure.She will be provided a copy to take home to parents/caregivers.
  • Scheduled tests must be written prior to leaving or within two days of her return. She should also have a reliable “study buddy” in place. She is expected to check her Microsoft Teams channels while away for updates.

Incomplete assignments or missed tests due to a vacation during school time may result in a grade of zero.

Illness and Appointments

Students who become ill during the school day are asked to go to the school office.
We will then contact parents/caregivers and arrange for timely pick-up. A quiet space will be provided while they wait for their ride to arrive.

For students who must leave school during the day for medical or dental appointments, an email or a phone call from their parents/caregivers indicating the reason is required. They must sign out before leaving and/or sign in upon return to school that day. Failure to sign in/out may result in a detention.

School Related Absences

At times, students miss classes for school-sanctioned events, competitions, tournaments or school trips. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed tests, assignments and school work and remain connected via their Microsoft Teams channels.
Students should identify a homework buddy to gather all materials in their absence.

Leaving School Premises

Students in grades 7 and 8 are not permitted to leave the grounds of St. Mary’s Academy during school hours, including lunch time. Students in grades 9 to 12 are permitted to leave the school grounds at lunch time and during spares.


Communication Protocol

St. Mary’s Academy recognizes the importance of, and supports, effective communication between home and school. We value openness and collaboration and appreciate that effective communication plays a key role in fostering strong, positive relationships. We know that both home and school hold at heart the shared best interest for every student. Communication refers to both the sending and receiving of information (email and notes), and verbal communication (telephone conversations, virtual meetings and in-person meetings). In order to ensure a successful exchange of information, it is important that all parties follow a few key principles:

Maintain Open Communication

  • Enter the exchange with an open mind and assume a shared best interest for your daughter.
  • Be prepared to work collaboratively to solve problems.
  • Be ready not just to provide information, but to listen to each other’s observations and perspectives.

Who to Contact

  • Most communication regarding academic programming should be directed at first to your daughter’s subject area teacher.
  • For communication regarding non-academic concerns, we recommend you contact either a principal, or a counsellor (dependent upon the nature of your concern).
  • For communication regarding attendance, please contact Mrs. Boulet
  • If you have a concern with a particular faculty member, we ask that you first try to address that concern with the faculty member directly. If the concern has not been addressed to your satisfaction, we ask that you let the faculty member know that you will be contacting a principal to discuss further.

Timelines for Communications

  • All parties are encouraged to address concerns in a timely manner.
  • The faculty at SMA will make every effort to respond as soon as possible to parent/caregiver communications, generally within 36 hours. Please understand that the teaching day often precludes immediate response.
  • Faculty are not expected to return communications after 5:00 PM on weekdays, on weekends or during extended holidays.
  • Faculty may need some time to collect needed information before responding.
  • Recognize that confidentiality may limit information that can be shared from school to parents/caregivers, especially information which may concern other students.

Child in Need of Protection Policy

Provincial law requires anyone working with children to report concerns regarding harm or neglect to authorities. Any staff who has reason to believe that a child is in need of protection is under legal obligation to report this to Child and Family Services of Manitoba. The law assigns the responsibility for determining the existence of maltreatment to Child and Family Services of Manitoba.

School Safety, Emergency Response and Fire Drills

In the event of an evacuation or a lock down due to an urgent event, staff and students are to follow directions provided by the leadership team and teachers. Students are not permitted to use cell phones during an urgent event so that emergency services have priority use of local cell towers. Emergency response drills as well as fire drills and evacuation drills are practiced annually.

School Closure Due to Emergencies

If it should become necessary to close the school or cancel school events due to either inclement weather or an unexpected emergency, the following procedures will be followed:

  • For poor weather conditions, (eg: snowstorm) St. Mary’s Academy will issue the news on the homepage of our website, send an email to families and post the closure to social media.
  • If a snow storm develops during the day, students will remain in regular classes. Parents/caregivers may pick up their daughters earlier if they wish. If the storm is prolonged, and students are unable to go home, they will remain at school under supervision until such time as their parents/caregivers can pick them up.
  • In the event of an unexpected emergency, (ex: major power outage) an email will be sent to our parent/caregiver community outlining all pertinent information and details.


Any accidents that occur on school property must be immediately reported to the school office. As necessary, parents/caregivers will be notified, and an incident report will be completed and put on file.

Responsible Use of Cell Phones, Laptops and Other Digital Devices

St. Mary’s Academy strives to provide a safe and secure environment for learning and working. Digital devices present a unique challenge to both the learning environment and to personal privacy. At SMA, we support and mentor responsible digital citizenship in direct alignment with the SMA Code of Conduct.

As such, students will be able to use their laptops, tablets or cell phones for educational purposes during class time. It is a teacher’s prerogative to determine when devices can and cannot be used during class time as well as to request storage of the item in a specified location.

Parents/caregivers are asked to respect the parameters stated above and not text their daughter via a digital device during classes. In case of an emergency, parents/caregivers should contact the school office by calling 204-477-0244 and we will then provide appropriate communication to your daughter.

Any students found using their digital device inappropriately during school hours will have the item confiscated and handed in to their principal. If a student uses a cell phone or other digital device during a test without the teacher’s permission, they will automatically receive a zero. Items will only be available for pick up at 3:30 PM of the same day. A parent/caregiver conference may be required for repeat offenders.

Academic Programming

St. Mary’s Academy delivers challenging programs which foster life-long learning and prepare students for continuing their post-secondary learning. Students in all grade levels must successfully complete their grade before proceeding to the next grade. Students are expected to take a full course load at St. Mary’s Academy, including all required courses.

Preparedness for Class

Students are expected to come to class prepared and to have the necessary supplies with them to participate in their learning. Homework is an integral component of learning and is expected to be done daily. Material studied in class should be reviewed regularly. Students in Grades 7 and 8 are expected to do at least one hour of homework and review daily. This time will increase for students in Grades 9-12.

High School Program Requirements

Courses are based on the curriculum approved by Manitoba Education with additional emphasis on the core subjects of English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in all grade levels follow a succession of religious studies courses. Please refer to the chart on page 11 for an overview of all courses.

Religious Studies

As part of their full complement of academic courses, students take courses in Religious Studies and are expected to participate in school faith-based experiences. A service-learning component of ten hours per year is a requirement for all students, to be completed and submitted by Spring Break. Service forms can be downloaded from the SMA website or are available from Religion Studies teachers. Students may choose to fulfill this required portion of the Religious Studies course during the summer months at a school-approved service site.

Unsuccessful Completion of a Course

Students in grades 9 to 11 who fail a course must obtain the credit at summer school or online before moving on to the next grade level. If a student needs to retry a particular subject area for two consecutive years, a meeting between student, parents/caregivers and administration will occur to determine their status. Grade 12 students who fail a course but do not qualify for a supplemental exam (see page 13) must earn their credit independently. Their diploma will be issued by Manitoba Education and Training.

Course Electives

Elective information meetings with parents/caregivers and students are held in January. Course selection occurs online via PowerSchool. In addition to required courses, there are a number of electives that students may choose at each level. Selection of courses should be made on the basis of student interests, passions, and capabilities while meeting admission requirements to the post-secondary education and/or work situations to which the student aspires. Requests for an elective change are to occur before classes begin in September. Changes can only be accommodated based on space availability. Students in grades 10 to 12 have until October 11, 2022 to switch their Math course, and are responsible for all missed work preceding the switch.

University/College Entrance Requirements

Entrance requirements vary among universities and colleges; please refer to the post-secondary institution of interest for specific information. The office will submit February and Final marks on behalf of students who apply to the University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg. If further information is required, please contact the Academic and Career Advisor, Ms. Adriane McElrea, at

Senior Years Courses at a Glance 2022-2023

Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting

Academic Honesty and Integrity

Academic honesty is a responsibility and an expectation. In guiding our students to be responsible learners, St. Mary’s Academy has a policy for instances where it has been substantiated that a student has plagiarized, cheated, copied, inappropriately shared or skipped an assessment. For all grades, the student will be informed and receive an automatic zero; parents/caregivers will also be informed. The student must still complete the test or assignment for assessing and will be given feedback. This will allow the teacher the opportunity to assess whether the student has achieved the outcomes, while at the same time holding the student accountable for an action which demonstrates a violation of academic integrity.

It is the expectation that students meet deadlines provided for completing homework and handing in assignments. St. Mary’s Academy has a protocol for late assignments outlining consequences that range from a notice home to parents/caregivers, to meetings with administration and a loss of marks. Should there be extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from meeting a deadline, they are required to speak with the teacher directly.

Assessments, Tests and Exams

Students are expected to write tests or complete assessments and/or presentations on the date that they are scheduled.
Students who, for a valid reason, miss a test will be required to write the test upon return to school. A valid reason for missing a test would be serious illness, a family emergency or competing in a competition set by an external organization. A student who intentionally skips a test will receive a zero.
Missed tests will be completed at the teacher’s direction upon the student’s return to school. Families are expected to make arrangements for their daughters to be present at the re-testing time offered by the teacher.

All students are expected to write major assessments and June final exams on the dates scheduled.
Parents/caregivers are asked NOT to book vacations during scheduled major assessments and final exams. There will be repercussions (consequences) on the calculation of final marks for a major assessment missed due to a vacation. A mark of ZERO will be given for a final exam that is missed due to vacation. A doctor’s certificate is required to verify an absence due to illness.

Grade 12 Supplemental Exams
(Where a passing grade has not been earned)

Grade 12 students who fail a course may be offered the option of writing a supplemental exam. To qualify, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Have earned, at minimum, a final grade of 40%
  • Have all required coursework completed by the end of term (make-up assignments will not be given to improve a failing grade).
  • Attendance record must be in good standing (unless supported by a doctor’s certificate for illness).
  • The course cannot be one that has an externally set exam (ex: AP courses)

The student will receive a supplemental exam outline from the teacher; it will cover the topics studied during the entire course. A student who passes the supplemental exam will be granted a conditional pass in that course with a final grade of 50%. Grade 12 students who have been unsuccessful in earning a passing grade and who do not qualify for a supplemental exam must earn their credit independently.


All families are able to access the PowerSchool information system. This allows families to see virtual updates on attendance, assignments and academic progress.

We have four print reports which are sent home during the year:

  • November Progress Report: Students’ initial progress as they begin the foundational components of their new courses is expressed as a percentage. Progress and recommendations regarding goals on achievement regarding specified, general learning outcomes is also included. Issued to all students.
  • February Progress Report: Students’ progress from September to January is expressed as a percentage. Additionally, comments related to growth in achieving specific course outcomes are included. Issued to all students.
  • Spring Progress Report: A Spring Progress Report is sent only to parents/caregivers of students who are experiencing difficulties in multiple subject areas. Additionally, there is a notification for those students with an unusually high rate of absenteeism which can detrimentally impact a student’s academic growth.
  • June Final Report: Students’ progress from September to June, including all major assessments and final exam/project results plus the final, overall mark for the year are all expressed as a percentage. Issued to all students.

Teachers will also keep parents and caregivers informed about individual progress via individual emails or phone calls. Should there be concerns regarding a student’s progress during the school year, they will reach out to provide suggestions and/or discuss additional supports to assist the student with improving their understanding of course outcomes.

Students at St. Mary’s Academy will complete a variety of assessments throughout the year. These assessments are designed to allow students to demonstrate their learning and achievement of course outcomes. These assessments may include, but are not limited to, quizzes, unit tests, essays, projects, assignments, and cumulative assessments.

In many courses, there will be a cumulative final exam or project to complete. This major assessment piece will be a final demonstration of their achievement of course outcomes.

Parents/caregivers are encouraged to review individual course outlines shared the first week of school to best understand the course expectations for the year ahead. Course outlines will include topics, sequence, expectations, the variety of ways in which their daughter is assessed, the value of different types of assessment, and any weighting of assessment items.


School Life

School Uniform

Perhaps the greatest symbol of our unity at SMA is our uniform and more specifically, our kilt. The plaid of the kilt is unique to SMA and incorporates the colours of all previous uniforms since 1869. It represents the fabric of our community: past, present and generations yet to come.

All uniform items (other than shoes) are purchased online from our uniform provider, Top Marks, at A school password to access our school orders section is shared annually with families. It is the parents’/caregivers’ responsibility to ensure that their daughter’s uniform complies with regulations and expectations.

It is the students’ responsibility to maintain uniform regulations throughout the school day, in all parts of the building including the school grounds, whether they are on lunch, spares or attending classes. Detentions will be issued for students who are not meeting the SMA uniform regulations.
Frequent infractions of the uniform regulations will result in a request for a parent/caregiver meeting and further action will be taken.

The Regulation Uniform is required by all students and is worn all year

  • Regulation kilt, maximum 6 centimetres above the knee
  • Regulation white, button down SMA blouse; short or long sleeves
  • Regulation navy knee socks, navy tights or navy panty hose (no design or patterns, no leggings or sweat pants)
  • Navy or black dress shoes. Shoes must have a closed toe, closed back and a heel height of less than 4 cm (No canvas shoes, runners, boots or sandals)

Optional Items

  • Regulation crested sweater, available in cardigan, pullover or sleeveless vest
  • Regulation SMA uniform tie.

Winter Uniform Options

After Thanksgiving Weekend and up to April 30th, students may wear the following option to the regulation uniform:

  • Regulation, school issued navy or grey pants, properly hemmed

Summer Uniform Options

As of May 1st, and up to the Thanksgiving Weekend, students may also wear the following options to the regulation uniform:

  • Regulation white or navy golf (polo) shirt with SMA logo (shirts can be layered)
  • Regulation navy summer skirt, maximum 6 centimetres above the knee
  • Regulation, school issued navy or grey pants, properly hemmed


  • The uniform is to be hemmed to the correct length, be clean and in good repair.
  • Shoes must be in good condition.
  • Students are expected to be in regulation uniform for school liturgies/spiritual celebrations from October – April.

As we strive to instill an awareness of business appropriate attire the school reserves the right to maintain neutral hair color, hairstyles, make-up, piercings, and tattoos.

Casual Days

Casual Days are held throughout the year to augment the work of local missions supported by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. For a $2 (or more) donation to the Mission Club, students may wear casual gear to school. The following clothing items are not permitted: transparent clothing, tank, halter, or tube tops, flip flops, short shorts or mini-skirts. Exposed midriffs are not permitted. In warmer weather, longer walking shorts, capris, yoga pants or long pants are acceptable.

Student Support Services

St. Mary’s Academy has a dedicated student support services team who help students in the following areas: personal and social/emotional wellbeing, resource support, academic and career paths and spiritual growth. Students or parents/caregivers are encouraged to request an appointment with the team member(s) who can best attend to their needs. Student Support Services are located on the third floor.


Each student is assigned a locker for her use during the year. She must purchase a combination lock from St. Mary’s for the locker, which is not to be shared with any other student. The school will remove any lock not issued by St. Mary’s Academy. Lockers should be kept locked. Students are advised not to bring valuables to school. The school will not be responsible for any property lost, missing or stolen. The school reserves the right to open students’ lockers and check the contents. All outerwear is to be stored in lockers.


Textbooks must be returned to the issuing teacher as per instructions provided. Students who do not return textbooks as instructed or who have damaged or lost textbooks must pay the replacement cost by June 21, 2023.

Library Materials

Students may sign out materials from Durocher Library throughout the year. They are asked to adhere to deadlines for returns. Notice will be given for overdue materials. In the event that materials have been lost, replacement fees will be charged.

School Equipment

No student may use school equipment without permission. If students wish to use equipment other than for classroom purposes, it must be used under the direct supervision of a teacher. Equipment that is broken must be reported to the teacher in charge.



Bell Schedules For School Days

Clubs and Activities

Students at St. Mary’s Academy are encouraged to participate in clubs and activities that are offered at the school. These clubs and activities give students the opportunity to work with others, to contribute to the quality of school life, to broaden their interests, to follow their passions, and to develop their talents and capabilities beyond the classroom. These student-led clubs will advertise events and share information through multiple sources: posters, in-house TV screens, Instagram accounts and through announcements by classroom representatives. In participating in these activities, we recommend and encourage students to maintain a manageable balance between their academic and extra-curricular commitments.

Student Parking Regulations

Bicycle racks are provided for student use by the ramp door. Bicycles should be securely locked to prevent theft. Students are not permitted to store their bikes within the school building.

St. Mary’s Academy offers student parking however, the number of spots is limited. The use of designated student parking spots is an application process. Any student who receives an annual student parking pass will be assigned a specific parking spot for the school year; they are not permitted to park anywhere else on the school’s property.
The following conditions must be met:

  • The proper application form must be filled out and submitted by the deadline
  • Once a designated spot has been received, all vehicles must be properly registered
  • All fees must be paid.
  • Proper parking passes must be displayed at all times while parked in the student lot.
  • Students who forget or lose their annual parking pass must immediately report it to Parking applications and further information is found at

Students who have not received an annual parking pass are not eligible to park on the school grounds. There is public parking available in the surrounding neighbourhood. Cars illegally parked on our grounds will be towed. Any student speeding or driving dangerously through the school grounds will lose the privilege of driving and/or parking their car on the grounds. Parents/caregivers of students found in violation of the above parking rules will be contacted.