The Tartan Technology & Innovation Centre is a space where students’ curiosity is sparked as they delve into modern technology such as digital media, virtual reality, 3D printing, digital art, gaming and more. The Centre opened in September 2022 and is located on the main floor close to Durocher Library, ideally situated for ease of access to students.

In this immersive leading-edge space, our youth of today will embrace the technology of tomorrow. 

The Tartan Technology & Innovation Centre was set in motion by a generous $15,000 donation from the Parents’ Guild. 

Available Technology

Digital Art

A student wearing headphones draws on a digital device.

3D Printing

Close-up of a student's hands using a 3D printer.

Virtual Reality

A student in a white t-shirt wears a virtual reality headset and holds a controller in each hand.


A student adjusts the lens on a Canon camera on a tripod.


A student records on a camera on a tripod against a green screen.

Digital Media

A row of computer monitors and keyboards on a desk, with headphones hanging off the monitors.

Cricut Machine

A cricut machine sits on a table.


Video game consoles sit on a table.