St. Mary's Academy Foundation

St. Mary’s Academy is rooted in the tradition of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. The school’s mission is to nurture young women in spirit, mind, and body, so that each student reaches her full potential as an individual created in God’s image. The SMA Foundation provides funding and undertakes activities to support and further this mission including administering property and assets, and providing financial support for programs, facilities, educational opportunities, and tuition assistance. To learn more about the SMA Foundation, visit the Boards of Directors page.

As a charitable organization, the SMA Foundation relies on the generosity of our donors. We invite you to join SMA’s giving community and make a much-needed contribution today.

Every gift changes lives and makes dreams come true.

Your support makes a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you!

For more information or to make a gift in another way,
please contact the SMA Advancement Office: