Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
We are pleased to announce the details of our Fall Uniform Sale, Tuesday, September 7 and Wednesday, September 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Sheila Chipman Atrium and Tartan Shop (enter the school through the Alumnae Hall doors)
Methods of payment accepted: Cash, Debit, Visa and MasterCard (cheques not accepted).
Information about our school uniform and a sizing chart can be found on our website at
To adhere to COVID-19 and social distancing protocols, we provide the following guidelines:
- Students may enter with one parent/guardian. For the safety of our staff, volunteers and your family, we ask that additional family members not attend or stay outside the building.
- Masks are mandatory and must be worn upon entry to SMA.
- Enter through the Alumnae Hall doors. Once inside, check in at the desk and sanitize your hands. You will be directed to the uniform sample stations in the Atrium.
- Uniform samples cannot be tried on at this time however, a fitter will be available to help with sizing decisions and to complete your Order Form. We strongly urge you to review the sizing chart at home to plan for your purchase. After handling uniform samples, we ask that you again sanitize your hands.
- Take your Order Form and proceed towards the Tartan Shop. The Greeter will notify you when it is your turn to enter the Tartan Shop. Once inside, your order will be filled and payment taken.
- If a student or parent is feeling unwell on the day of the sale, please do not attend. Please contact us for alternate sale dates.
Beginning Friday, September 10 the Tartan Shop will be open on Fridays during the lunch hour (12:35 PM to 1:35 PM).
We thank you for your patience and for complying with COVID-19 guidelines. Thank you also to our dedicated Parents’ Guild volunteers for their hard work operating the uniform sales. Although the sale will look slightly different than past years, we look forward to welcoming you and your daughter for uniform purchases!
For uniform sale questions, please contact Nadine Dannenberg at or (204) 478-6048.
Thank you.
Time & Place
Date and Time
September 7, 2021
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Alumnae Doors - Atrium and Tartan Shop